Group begins on May 14, 2024. These sessions will be on Tuesday evenings, 7-9 pm CDT.


  • Week 1: Radical Acceptance, giving up what we thought our marriage would be like and what we actually got

  • Week 2: Self-care, you need to put your own oxygen mask on first, before attempting to help others

  • Week 3: Effective communication with our significant other/narcissist/alien

  • Week 4: Court & Attorneys, how to navigate a court system that does not want to hear the word “narcissist”

  • Week 5: Co-parenting with a covert narcissist, better known as parallel parenting or winging it

  • Week 6: Life after whatever we want to call what we just went through


  • Weekly assignments related to the weekly topic - where we make sure you have & apply the right tools step by step so you can see REAL PROGRESS

  • One 2-hour live group coaching session with no more than 10 members - where you can share some of your story as you choose and work through the curriculum with others who “get it”

  • Daily unlimited access to a private Facebook group with your 10 group members - this way you can support each other in a safe and secure environment

What our members are saying about this group coaching

“I found the 6-week course to be immensely valuable and would highly recommend it to anyone who is considering divorce, currently going through a divorce, or facing challenges in their marriage. Eleanor's advice and guidance were truly exceptional, and what made the experience even more remarkable was the sense of connection and support from a diverse group of individuals navigating similar struggles from all over the world. It truly felt like being part of an everlasting support network that understood and empathized with each other.”

“Having a divorce coach is essential, especially for stay-at-home moms dealing with a highly contentious spouse who seeks to undermine them. The value of knowledge and support cannot be overstated in such situations. I am eternally grateful to Eleanor for her intelligence and wisdom. She is incredibly generous with her time and possesses the compassion necessary to support someone during this emotionally charged period of life. She possesses the knowledge needed for these types of situations. She will save you lots of time and money.”

“This has been a fantastic resource for me, as I enter this awful period of my life. Hearing my story told through the words and tears of so many amazing, beautiful women reminds me that I’m not alone, and that I CAN get through this.  Thank you, Eleanor, for your expertise, your compassion, and your shared experience.”

“Know that Eleanor and the group members support during my move was VERY much appreciated, and you guys helped me get through a challenging feat! THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart. I am in a much better place physically and emotionally. Your sessions were truly life changing.”

If you would like to set up a payment plan, please send me an email at renee@covertnarcissism.com or renee@cnglifecoaching.com. We will set that up privately with you.

Divorce with a Covert Narcissist with Eleanor Marks

This 6 week program, taught by High Conflict Divorce Coach Eleanor Marks, is focused on the details and problems specific to divorcing a covert narcissist, or an individual exhibiting behaviors consistent with one. Meetings are two hours each week allowing time to check-in and get many questions answered. These sessions are a wealth of information, great for gaining ideas and guidance on how to get through a difficult divorce with your sanity. This group begins on May 14, 2024.

If you are interested, please join our mailing list to be the first to know as new sessions are offered.

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If you need to break the cost into payments or for more information, please fill out this brief form. We will get back to you shortly and set this up independently with you.