Becoming a Scorekeeper

They have a total disregard for the possessions or rights of others. This applies to taking your things whenever they choose or touching you whenever they please. They use your stuff whenever they want, and yet have a fit if you use anything of theirs. There is no give and take in the relationship.

“You might ask before you use my coat!” They snap at you. 

“That’s mine!!” They sharply proclaim when you reach for a cup in the cupboard.

But yet they repeatedly use your things without asking or respecting your stuff. So you find yourself keeping score mentally. “That’s the second time this week they have used my speaker.” You think to yourself. You know that if you say anything about it, however, then this will lead to a 3-hour circular conversation. It just isn’t worth that price, so you keep it to yourself. So while I am not a scorekeeper in any other relationship, I became one in my marriage. I don’t want to be a scorekeeper!!